
Værktype Datering Materiale Farve
Viser 115 værker 
i kronologisk rækkefølge

Wed 22:19 (2023)

Fake (2022)

I + I (2022)

A rose is arose (2022)

Balancing act (2022)

Broken and/or expanded hearts (circular logic) (2022)

Camnitzer confused (2022)

Grey area (2022)

One or two chairs (2022)

Replacing one system with the other (2022)

Rose is eros (2022)

Roses & violets (2022)

In the blink of an eye (2021)

34 cm (2021)

A good woman is hard to find (2021)

Arkitektur 1,2,3 (2021)

Back in 5 minutes (2021)

Can't get there from here (2021)

Bolsche (2021)

Flammable (2021)

Cancelled (2021)

Caution (2021)

Cirkeldiagram (2021)

Closed for repairs (2021)

Damokles (2021)

Dead end (2021)

Delmængde (2021)

Det har regnet hele dagen (2021)

Detour (2021)

Dismissed (2021)

Do not enter (2021)

Notice (2021)

Do not use (2021)

En rød bil (2021)

En sort bil (2021)

End construction (2021)