
Værktype Datering Materiale Farve
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WE/ME (1999)

What doesn't kill you doesn't kill you (2014)

In the blink of an eye (2021)

00 (2018)

I + I (2022)

3D (2019)

34 cm (2021)

100 % (2018)

A rose is arose (2022)

Across the borderline (2018)

A good woman is hard to find (2021)

Arbejdsrisiko (2018)

We'll meet again ... (2022)

Arkitektur 1,2,3 (2021)

Gardin (2021)

Kærlighed (2020)

* (2017)

A-Z (2017)

A-Å (2017)

Back in 5 minutes (2021)

Balancing act (2022)

Blackout blind (2019)

Crossroads (2018)

Crossroads (2018)

Can't get there from here (2021)

Bolsche (2021)

Bound to fail (2017)

Brandstige (2017)

I suppose a broken window is not symbolic... (2019)

Brudlinier, Austin Grandjean (1930-2006), 1967, Anders Bonnesen 2022 (2022)

Flammable (2021)

Camnitzer confused (2022)

Cancelled (2021)

Caution (2021)

Cementmanden, Ukendt kunstner, 1964, Anders Bonnesen 2022 (2022)

Cirkeldiagram (2021)