
Værktype Datering Materiale Farve
Viser 37 værker 
i alfabetisk rækkefølge

* (2017)

00 (2018)

100 % (2018)

Across the borderline (2018)

Arbejdsrisiko (2018)

Brandstige (2017)

Crossroads (2018)

Crossroads (2018)

Crossroads (2018)

Det placerbare alfabet (2021)

Det uplacerbare alfabet (2021)

Don't go round tonight (2018)

Double negative (2018)

Every which way but loose (2018)

How are things at work? (2018)

I just can't stop loving you (2018)

Landskab (2018)

Landskab (2018)

Landskab (2018)

Landskab (2018)

Landskab (2018)

Landsskab (2018)

Le rouge et le noir (2018)

Lost Highway (#2) (2016)

Mellem byen Ja og byen Nej (2015)

Midlertidig skiltning (2017)

Nothing is right here, nothing is left here (2018)

On the road again (2015)

One way or another (2018)

Parallel parkering (2015)

PSTO... (2015)

She loves me, she loves me not ... (2018)

The end of the end (2018)

Uden titel (Marguerite) (2016)

Walk this way (2018)

We'll meet again ... (2022)